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Coleus Forskohlii, i.e. Indian nettle, is the only plant in the world which contains a unique diterpenoid called forskolin. It has a very wide biological effect; it positively affects the circulatory system, stimulates thyroid function, promotes the natural production of testosterone. It also shows a large nootropic potential.

Preparations containing Indian nettle extract are very popular especially among people who are slimming. They safely stimulate metabolism and additionally help to increase lean body mass. As a result, it is possible to get rid of excess fat tissue without losing muscle mass. What's more, there is no need to worry that the reduction will negatively affect the thyroid function. Men may also expect an increase in sex drive. Indian nettle is also worth considering because of its positive effect on memory and cognitive functions.

We offer a wide range of supplements designed on the basis of Indian nettle. We encourage you to pay attention to the degree of standardization – the higher the content of forskolin, the stronger their action. Our offer also includes preparations containing ForLean®, an extract from Coleus Forskohlii patented by the world-famous company, Sabinsa.

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Apollo's Hegemony
18.48 €

Forskolin supports weight loss, building dry muscle mass and testosterone production.

8.19 €

Indian coleus root. It supports adipose tissue reduction and the work of the cardiovascular system.

Coleus Forskohlii Out of stock
14.01 €

Indian nettle extract providing 10% of forskolin. Slimming support and nootropic potential.

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Forskolin Diamond
Forskolin Diamond Discontinued
Apollo's Hegemony

Standardized Indian Coleus extract, which is a source of forskolin – a natural fat burner.

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